Dominion Engineers

Enjoy the benefits of green construction!

Beautiful and healthy buildings and homes!

Green home experts!

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About Us


  • land planning and landscape architecture
  • civil engineering
  • land surveying and geosystems

A project typically passes through each group at different stages during its life time. most logically, a project will start with our planning group with the start of the feasibility study at its inception and will end at the survey group with the occupancy permit after approval of the as-built survey. now, one good thing at dominion engineers, inc. is that even though the project moves through different groups during its execution process, the project manager assigned remains the same from the start of the project till the day occupancy permit is issued. so for the client, the point of contact remains the same.

Land planning and landscape architecture:
this group primarily handles the project during initial conceptual stage through preliminary design stage when the project is approved through the zoning office. the group specializes in urban land planning, zoning  and environmental aspects of the regulations and have support of the other groups within the firm, when needed, to finalize the design.

Typically, a project starts with this group when the group performs the yield/feasibility study to determine the maximum buildable area or the maximum no. of parcels/lots that can be carved out from a piece of land. we scruitinizethe project very thoroughly at this stage to make sure all the aspects of the project have been looked into as this report becomes the foundation of the entire project. also, this report becomes the tool for the negotiation should the study indicate smaller buildable area or yield from the piece of land.
The group also performs landscape planning and design services and have certified arborist and registered landscape architects as a part of their team who are vary familiar with the native plant species and proficient with local regulations.

  • yield/feasibility study
  • preliminary design
  • rezoning
  • special use permit
  • special exception plat
  • colored rendering and exhibits
  • master plan
  • land use planning
  • public hearing presentation

Civil Engineering:

This is one of our core services and our civil engineering services division is the largest division both in terms of the manpower and the revenue generating majority of the revenue for the entire company. our capability in this division includes handling any kind of complex projects from their inception stage to the point of final inspection before being given occupation permits. we have successfully designed and handled numerous complex projects including high density large mixed developments where the design is challenged by several factors such as balancing earthwork, tight spaces to provide utilities, existing topography, presence of unsuitable marine clays and high ground water table just to name a few. our staffs are leaders in their respective fields and also serve as a member of various coveted professional organizations. one of our staffs serves as a member of the planning commission board in one of the local jurisdictions.

Land surveying:
“A project is as good as the base survey map used for its design”. this statement underscores the importance of a land survey in a project. from the day we receive title report or gather information through our own deed research, we check and cross check all the information to make sure all the restrictions are platted properly on the base map. furthermore, each field visit has accompanied site pictures which are maintained in the project file for future reference thus minimizing the chances of any error. similarily, at the design stage when the base map is transferred to the engineering team, the project engineer makes a site visit to make sure all the ground features are shown in the base map and similarily all the base map information correspond to the actual information on the ground.
Surveying is a time/labor intensive task as it involves a lot of research, field work for data collection and computer modeling/drafting. for clients a time/labor intensive task simply means more cost, however we have automated the process so well that  it reduces the data collection time in the field and our computer modeling is just a one step process.

  • boundary survey
  • alta/acsm land title survey
  • topographic and location survey
  • condominium plats
  • construction stake-out
  • final as-built survey
  • sub-division plat
  • easement plats
  • set-up controls for aerial survey
  • bathimetric survey
  • expert testimony